Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Problems? what an " up person " does!

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.

For years, railroad authorities dreamed of a rail crossing the Andes Mountains, perhaps following the course of the Rimac River. Engineers from around the world were called in to appraise the project and they all declared it to be impossible. Then, as a last resort, a Polish engineer named Ernest Malinowski was called.

Malinowski's reputation was well-known, but at the time he was called, he was sixty years old and no one wanted to impose such a rigorous task on a man his age. Malinowski, however, assured the representatives of the various countries involved that the job could be done, and he was hired to begin work on what was to be the highest railroad on earth.

Construction of the railroad posed both geographic and political challenges. The project required sixty-two tunnels and thirty bridges, one tunnel running 4,000 feet some 15,000 feet above sea level. On two occasions, revolutions in one or more countries held up construction. Once, Malinowski had to flee Peru and supervise the project while in exile. Still nothing deterred this aging Pole from moving forward on the railway that was considered one of the wonders of the world when it was completed in 1880.

What problem are you using as an excuse today? Change your perspective. What opportunities can you see in the midst of your problems? Put on your work clothes and get busy! That's what an " up person " does!

Enjoy yourself ^^

Yesterday is a canceled check;
tomorrow is a promissory note;
today is the only cash you have,
so spend it wisely.

"In a Chinese Garden," is the story of how a patient named Marguerite impacted the life of Dr.Frederic Loomis, an ob/gyn in China. The young woman had lost her baby and Dr. Loomis had gone to her bedside to grieve with her.

Afther her release from the hospital she wrote to him, recalling the fatigue she had seen in him and sharing with him a message she had seen on a garden wall. She hoped the words would be as meaningful to him as they had been to her: " Enjoy yourself. It is later then you think".

Her letter prompted Dr. Loomis to take a three-month leave of absence from his position at the hospital. He shared the letter with a friend, who spontaneously agreed to travel to South America with him.

In South America, they met a prominent man with whom they shared their story. The next day, this man told Dr.Loomis that he had decided to take his family for a long overdue vacation. He said, " It was a very long finger indeed that wrote those words on the garden wall in China".

Through the years, countless others have responded to Dr. Loomis' story, deciding to no lokger put off the things they've always wanted to do to make life more enjoyable. Today, perhaps the message from the Chinese garden is for you: Enjoy yourself. It is later than you think!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


MamyPoko, Sofy & De One ~ My Cute Baby & Career Bear Photo Contest.

1st Prize ~ Be A Model for Year 2011 Calendar
RM 500 Mamypoko Grand Hamper
Sofy Product Gift
Winnie The Pooh Photo Frame
Luxury Photography Package for Kit

2nd Prize ~ Be A Model for Year 2011 Calendar
RM 300 Mamypoko Deluxe Hamper
Sofy Product Gift
Winnie The Pooh Photo Frame
Exclusive Photography Package for Kit

3rd Prize ~ Be A Model for Year 2011 Calendar
RM 50 Mamypoko Special Hamper
Sofy Product Gift
Winnie The Pooh Photo Frame
Professional Photography Package for Kit

9 Consolation Prize ~ Be A Model for Year 2011 Calendar
Mamypoko Hamper
Sofy Product Gift
Winnie The Pooh Photo Frame
Professional Photography Package for Family



巧合的遇到“卖加喱面”的老板娘。因为以半年多没相见,我把她给误认为另一位朋友。第一句话就弄到大家"蒙嚓嚓"。。而我就更“Pai Se”了。MySpace



Friday, October 8, 2010


某天和女儿旷霸级市场,巧遇宝宝纸尿裤公司与一摄影室正举办宝宝摄影有奖赛。摄影室提供优惠价值低于50 元的摄影配套+ 送8R尺寸相片参赛。其奖品不怎么丰富,需付上一张购物其产品正本单据。宝宝巧有用其产品就为宝宝报名参加了。


经过这次得的结论~下次的霸级市场摄影,我会“ 三思 ”了。