Wednesday, August 3, 2011

中华文化的数字 " 7 "


崇拜之情,可从牛郎织女七月初七的“七夕相会”传说中,发挥得淋漓尽致。另外,许多出现在民间流传的神话传说,典籍及俗语中也与“七”相关。例如: 乐有七音,颜有七色,人有七情,生活开门有七件事,“山中方七日,世上已千年”的民间传说。MySpace

送礼忌七件,饭桌上的菜忌七盘,良辰吉日忌初七,十七和二十七。而且以“七”组成的习语大多带有贬义。例如: 七零八落,七手八脚,七嘴八舌,七拼八凑,七拱八翘,七上八下,七推八阻,七病八痛,七扭八歪等。MySpace


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

西洋文化的数字 " 7 "

在西洋文化中 “ 7 ” 是神圣的数字。人们极之着重的数字。

例如: seven virtues (七大美德), seven deadly sins (七宗罪),seven gifts of the holy spirit (七大圣灵财富),seven sacraments (七大圣礼) 等。
甚至连婚姻,西方人也说要经历危险的七年之痒 ( seven-year itch )MySpace

西方许多神话,传说中,都多次出现“ 7 ”,尤其<圣经>中“ 7 ”的使用更达到了登峰造极的境界。
<圣经>上记载上帝规定第七日为安息日; 上帝用亚当的第七根筋骨造夏娃; 撒旦的原身是有七个头的火龙; 共有七名堕落天使被称为撒旦; 上帝在第七天召摩西传旨。。诸如此类,数不胜数。MySpace

除了行为道德与信仰,数字“ 7 ”也渗透到西方社会生活的各个方面。像是世界的七大奇观,西方童话中的白雪公主和七个小矮人等。MySpace

这些都说明数字“ 7 ”在西方文化中占有重要的位置。西方人也对“ 7 ” 情有独钟。MySpace







Hephzibah Anderson花了10年时间,发现和她有过性关系的男友,即然没有一位真正的爱过她。如果真的想寻求真爱,禁欲求真爱的道理不仿试试。MySpace

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Problems? what an " up person " does!

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.

For years, railroad authorities dreamed of a rail crossing the Andes Mountains, perhaps following the course of the Rimac River. Engineers from around the world were called in to appraise the project and they all declared it to be impossible. Then, as a last resort, a Polish engineer named Ernest Malinowski was called.

Malinowski's reputation was well-known, but at the time he was called, he was sixty years old and no one wanted to impose such a rigorous task on a man his age. Malinowski, however, assured the representatives of the various countries involved that the job could be done, and he was hired to begin work on what was to be the highest railroad on earth.

Construction of the railroad posed both geographic and political challenges. The project required sixty-two tunnels and thirty bridges, one tunnel running 4,000 feet some 15,000 feet above sea level. On two occasions, revolutions in one or more countries held up construction. Once, Malinowski had to flee Peru and supervise the project while in exile. Still nothing deterred this aging Pole from moving forward on the railway that was considered one of the wonders of the world when it was completed in 1880.

What problem are you using as an excuse today? Change your perspective. What opportunities can you see in the midst of your problems? Put on your work clothes and get busy! That's what an " up person " does!

Enjoy yourself ^^

Yesterday is a canceled check;
tomorrow is a promissory note;
today is the only cash you have,
so spend it wisely.

"In a Chinese Garden," is the story of how a patient named Marguerite impacted the life of Dr.Frederic Loomis, an ob/gyn in China. The young woman had lost her baby and Dr. Loomis had gone to her bedside to grieve with her.

Afther her release from the hospital she wrote to him, recalling the fatigue she had seen in him and sharing with him a message she had seen on a garden wall. She hoped the words would be as meaningful to him as they had been to her: " Enjoy yourself. It is later then you think".

Her letter prompted Dr. Loomis to take a three-month leave of absence from his position at the hospital. He shared the letter with a friend, who spontaneously agreed to travel to South America with him.

In South America, they met a prominent man with whom they shared their story. The next day, this man told Dr.Loomis that he had decided to take his family for a long overdue vacation. He said, " It was a very long finger indeed that wrote those words on the garden wall in China".

Through the years, countless others have responded to Dr. Loomis' story, deciding to no lokger put off the things they've always wanted to do to make life more enjoyable. Today, perhaps the message from the Chinese garden is for you: Enjoy yourself. It is later than you think!