Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Problems? what an " up person " does!

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.

For years, railroad authorities dreamed of a rail crossing the Andes Mountains, perhaps following the course of the Rimac River. Engineers from around the world were called in to appraise the project and they all declared it to be impossible. Then, as a last resort, a Polish engineer named Ernest Malinowski was called.

Malinowski's reputation was well-known, but at the time he was called, he was sixty years old and no one wanted to impose such a rigorous task on a man his age. Malinowski, however, assured the representatives of the various countries involved that the job could be done, and he was hired to begin work on what was to be the highest railroad on earth.

Construction of the railroad posed both geographic and political challenges. The project required sixty-two tunnels and thirty bridges, one tunnel running 4,000 feet some 15,000 feet above sea level. On two occasions, revolutions in one or more countries held up construction. Once, Malinowski had to flee Peru and supervise the project while in exile. Still nothing deterred this aging Pole from moving forward on the railway that was considered one of the wonders of the world when it was completed in 1880.

What problem are you using as an excuse today? Change your perspective. What opportunities can you see in the midst of your problems? Put on your work clothes and get busy! That's what an " up person " does!

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